Australia’s leading property buyer’s agent and founder and CEO of Cohen Handler, Simon Cohen, has launched a new business, CH Secure, to help every-day Australians build long-term wealth by investing in affordable properties all over Australia. CH Secure is co-founded by Joshua Meli, a real estate professional with both residential and commercial property buying and management experience.

CH Secure helps people identify and secure affordable properties in high-growth locations with lifestyle and economic drivers that are likely to see long-term growth and high rental yields.

As the cost of real estate in major metro cities, particularly on the east coast, has become increasingly out of reach for many, investing in property outside of these cities is a strategy many people can take advantage of, but do not necessarily have the data and local market knowledge or negotiation expertise to effectively execute.

Simon Cohen, Founder and CEO of Cohen Handler and co-founder of CH Secure, said that over his 20-plus years in real estate he has seen countless people from all income brackets buy property and reap the benefits of building equity in that property. But, with property becoming more unaffordable he is concerned that more people are feeling as though they are locked out of the market all together, which led to the creation of the new venture.

“Nearly every day my team and I speak to people who either can’t afford to buy property in Sydney, or Melbourne, or Brisbane, and feel like their dreams of owning the Australian dream, whether that’s their primary place of residence or a solid investment property portfolio, are completely unattainable. But, CH Secure has identified locations and properties around Australia which most people in the major cities may not know about or not think of as somewhere to invest, and can help people purchase properties with massive potential for growth for as little as $400,000.

“The saying goes that 90 per cent of millionaires achieved their wealth through real estate, and based on what I’ve seen since I helped found the buyer’s agent industry in 2009 that’s pretty close to the truth. If you have the right team by your side, buy the right property in the right place for the right price, Australians who never thought they could secure their financial future through property can access the same service that Cohen Handler’s premium clients have for the past 14 years.”

A working example: $84,000 equity in three years

In just one example of a property recently purchased for a CH Secure client, the property in the Mackay and Whitsundays region was purchased for $440,000.

The three-bedroom, one bathroom, 2 car garage property is tenanted, and rented for $580 per week. This works out to a rental yield of 6.65 per cent. Someone with a 10 per cent deposit could have secured this property for just $44,000 plus associated costs.

The area is tipped to see property capital growth of 19 per cent cumulatively over the next three years according to Select Residential Property, a research firm specialising in property growth trends. this property had the potential for the owner to make more than $83,600 in equity in that property in just three years. With the average Australian wage of $1399.10 according to the RBA, people would need to save more than a third of their annual income to achieve the same result, yet the savings rate is currently 3.2 per cent.

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For further information or to arrange an interview with Simon Cohen and Joshua Meli contact:

David Skapinker
Director of Growth and Strategic Planning
Cohen Handler
+61 402 648 367

About CH Secure
Cohen Handler Secure (CH Secure) is a property buyer’s agency specialising in helping people buy affordable investment properties around Australia.  CH Secure utilises the 15 years of property-buying experience of Cohen Handler, Australia’s leading property buyers agency, and in-depth and proprietary data and insights to secure the best affordable investment properties at the best price. Information provided by CH Secure is never intended to be relied upon as specific investment advice and is not a substitute for such advice. The team at CH Secure are buyer’s agents- not financial planners, investment advisers, accountants, or lawyers. Before taking any action or risking any money, you should always check with your own qualified professional advisers.

About the Cohen Group
The Cohen Group is Australia’s leading property buying services organisation. Made up of Cohen Handler (residential property buyers agency), Costi Cohen (commercial property buyers agency), Cohen Farquharson (leasing and property management) and CH Secure (affordable property investment buyer’s agency), it has offices in NSW, QLD, SA and WA. Founded in 2009, it has since helped purchase more than $7 billion worth of property right around Australia.